We are the promoters of one of the largest movements through the social network twitter through the hashtag #PlayWithPurpose that defends the use of traditional games as a way for our children to develop their creativity today.

Research shows that learning through play is an important part of a child’s development. Though ensuring your child has enough play time is a great benefit to families to allow their children to release some extra energy, a child begins to find out who they are through play.
The use of these educational toys can help children learn many different skills they will need in their life. Educational toys can help develop problem solving skills, teach about conflict resolution and how cause and effect work. It also teaches children about sharing, helps develop their fine and gross motor skills and nurtures their creativity and imagination.
We firmly believe that learning through educational toys is the best way to build healthy minds. One of our many goals is to continue to innovate in ways that no others are willing to, by bringing all the best toys into one place through fun.